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How To Stain A Banister: A Relaxed Guide

Banister Makeover With No Sanding or Stripping Banister remodel
Banister Makeover With No Sanding or Stripping Banister remodel from www.pinterest.com


If you're looking to freshen up your home's interior, one of the easiest ways to do it is by staining your banister. A stained banister can bring warmth and character to a room, and it's a project that even a novice DIYer can handle. In this guide, we'll walk you through the steps to staining your banister in a relaxed, easy-to-understand way.

Staining a Banister

Materials You'll Need

Before you begin, you'll need to gather a few materials:

  • Sandpaper (medium and fine grit)
  • Tack cloth or a soft cloth
  • Stain (oil-based or water-based)
  • Brush (natural bristle or foam)
  • Painter's tape
  • Drop cloth or plastic sheeting
Staining Materials

Preparing the Banister

The first step in staining your banister is preparing the surface. Start by removing any existing finish with sandpaper. Begin with a medium-grit sandpaper and sand the entire banister, paying special attention to areas with heavy wear or buildup. Then, switch to a fine-grit sandpaper and sand the banister again. This will ensure that the surface is smooth and free of imperfections.

Once you've finished sanding, wipe down the banister with a tack cloth or a soft cloth to remove any dust or debris.

Sanding a Banister

Protecting the Surrounding Area

Before you begin staining, it's important to protect the surrounding area from drips or spills. Use painter's tape to cover any areas you don't want to get stained, such as the wall or the floor. Lay down a drop cloth or plastic sheeting to catch any drips.

Protecting the Surrounding Area

Applying the Stain

Now it's time to apply the stain. Stir the stain thoroughly before using it. Dip your brush into the stain and start applying it to the banister, working in the direction of the grain. Use long, even strokes and be careful not to leave any drips or streaks.

Once you've applied the stain to the entire banister, let it sit for the amount of time recommended on the can. This will vary depending on the type of stain you're using. Then, use a clean cloth to wipe off any excess stain. Let the banister dry completely before applying a second coat.

Applying Stain to Banister

Finishing Up

Once your banister is dry, remove the painter's tape and plastic sheeting. If you're happy with the color, you're done! If you want a darker color, you can apply a second coat of stain. If you want a lighter color, you can sand the banister lightly and apply a second coat of stain in a lighter color.

After the final coat of stain has dried, you can apply a clear coat of polyurethane to protect the banister and give it a glossy finish.

Finishing a Banister


Staining your banister is an easy and affordable way to update your home's interior. With a little bit of time and effort, you can bring warmth and character to any room. We hope this relaxed guide has been helpful and that you're now ready to tackle your own banister staining project!

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